Behind the Balloon Collection

Behind the Balloon Collection

Picture this - you know the feeling you get when a friend or coworker compliments you, or when someone celebrates a goal you achieved, or when someone does something meaningful for you and you light up with joy at what amazing people surround you. That’s what we envision in the listlii brand. The balloon collection was created as a symbol of celebration. Celebrating your uniqueness, your beauty, your passions, stories, hopes, dreams, perspectives, strength, achievements, and how far you have come in your journey. 

The collection started with just a sketch on a post-it note, but the meaning behind it was so much more. We are here in hopes of reminding you to celebrate yourself everyday and be proud of all that you have put out into the world. 

Balloons have been symbols of celebrations for years - birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, graduations, promotions, etc. but why are we not bringing this symbol into our everyday lives? Well - we are now, and we're here to celebrate the tiny wins or huge accomplishments you achieve everyday.  Balloons are not only symbols of celebrations, but those of unity and togetherness. Let your balloon shine with pride and within our community, let's connect upon a similar goal - to celebrate and support one another everyday! Because when we do this, we value our efforts, instill confidence in one another, and continue encouragement towards our personal growth! Let the balloon collection be your tie and as a community, let's empower one another and continue our greatness in bettering the world together! Every balloon is part of a story, and every story is worth celebrating. 


Hi, now that we have your attention - welcome to the first listlii blog post! 

We’re so happy to have you here and are excited to dive into providing you with fun lifestyle content every week. From jewelry inspo, gift ideas, outfit ideas, recommendations and everything else in between!

Countless hours have gone into creating the perfect collection with you in mind. We hope you love it and if there’s anything  we can help with along the way, shoot us an email!

Thanks for reading and we can’t wait to see you next week!


the listlii team